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Configure Conversation Continuity with Email

Conversation continuity


Configuring inbound reply emails

Conversation Continuity requires your chatwoot installation to have a cloud storage configured

There are a couple of email infrastructure service providers to handle the incoming emails that we support at the moment. They are Sendgrid, Mandrill, Mailgun, Exim, Postfix, Qmail and Postmark.

Step 1 : We have to set the inbound email service used as an environment variable.

# Set this to appropriate ingress service for which the options are :
# "relay" for Exim, Postfix, Qmail
# "mailgun" for Mailgun
# "mandrill" for Mandrill
# "postmark" for Postmark
# "sendgrid" for Sendgrid

If you wish to use the same local relaying server (for example postfix) to send outbound mail as you are using to relay inbound messages and you opt not to use an external authentication mechanism like SASL which may be the case if the server is handling it own emails only. The upstream SMTP platform Action Mailer attempts to use a default authentication method if the configuration options SMTP_AUTHENTICATION, SMTP_USERNAME and SMTP_PASSWORD are present in your .env file. To disable this behaviour either comment out or delete these lines from your configuration. This will allow you to send outbound messages from the same server without a premium service. Please note many ISP's do not allow email servers to be run from their networks. It is your responsibility to ensure adequate access control preventing yourself becoming an open relay and ensuring your server is able to get past your recipients spam filters for example SPF, DKIM & DMARC dns records.

This configures the ingress service for the app. Now we have to set the password for the ingress service that we use.

# Use one of the following based on the email ingress service

# Set this if you are using Sendgrid, Exim, Postfix, Qmail or Postmark
# Set this if you are Mailgun
# Set this if you are Mandrill


If you are using Mailgun as your email service, in the Mailgun dashboard configure it to forward your inbound emails to if is where you have hosted the application.

Getting Mailgun Ingress Key



Ensure to set up the proper MX records for pointed towards Sendgrid

Configure SendGrid Inbound Parse to forward inbound emails to forward your inbound emails to /rails/action_mailbox/sendgrid/inbound_emails with the username actionmailbox and the password you previously generated. If the deployed application was hosted at, you can configure the following URL as the forward route.

When configuring your SendGrid Inbound Parse webhook, be sure to check the box labeled “Post the raw, full MIME message.” Action Mailbox needs the raw MIME message to work.


If you are configuring Mandrill as your email service, configure Mandrill to route your inbound emails to if is where you have hosted the application.

If you want to know more about configuring other services visit Action Mailbox Basics

IMAP via getmail

UniLink receives inbound emails through the Action Mailbox feature of Ruby on Rails. Action Mailbox supports various 'ingresses' by default. They are defined in here and can be executed through bin/rails. For example

cat my_incoming_message | ./bin/rails action_mailbox:ingress:postfix \
RAILS_ENV=production \
URL=http://localhost:3000/rails/action_mailbox/postfix/inbound_emails \

would import the contents of the file my_incoming_message into a UniLink instance running on localhost - assuming my_incoming_message contains an RFC 822 compliant message.

The ingress tasks provided by Action Mailbox are a thin layer around an HTTP endpoint exposed by Action Mailbox. An alternative to using those tasks is to talk to the http endpoint directly. The following script achieves the same.


curl -sS -u "actionmailbox:$INGRESS_PASSWORD" \
-A "Action Mailbox curl relayer" \
-H "Content-Type: message/rfc822" \
--data-binary @- \

The popular mail retrieval system getmail6 can be used to fetch mails and import them into UniLink. If the curl script above is stored in /home/chatwoot/bin/import_mail_to_chatwoot, a configuration for doing so from an IMAP inbox is as follows.

type = SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever
server = ...
username = ...
password = ...

type = MDA_external
path = /home/chatwoot/bin/import_mail_to_chatwoot

verbose = 0
read_all = false
delete = false
delivered_to = false
received = false
message_log = /home/chatwoot/logs/import_imap.log
message_log_syslog = false
message_log_verbose = true

For mail to be imported you'll need to execute getmail regularly, for example using a cron job. For IMAP you can also run it constantly using getmail --idle INBOX, though that will need some care to deal with interrupted connections, etc.

Configure inbound email domain environment variable

Add the following environment variable with the value, where is the domain for which you set up MX records in the previous step.


After finishing the set up, the mail sent from UniLink will have a replyto: in the following format reply+<random-hex>@<> and reply to those would get appended to your conversation.