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AWS UniLink deployment guide

The following is the guide for deploying UniLink on AWS using the marketplace listing. Use our helm charts with AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS) for a cloud-native deployment.


  • AWS account
  1. Go to UniLink AWS marketplace listing and click on subscribe. aws-marketplace-subscribe

  2. Sign in with your AWS account.


  1. Click on Continue to Configuration. aws-marketplace-continue

  2. Select the latest version in Software Version and pick your aws region. Click Continue to Launch. aws-marketplace-configure

  3. Review the launch configuration. Leave the Choose Action field with the default value Launch from Website. Choose a VPC and subnet as per your AWS region preference. aws-marketplace-launch

  4. Scroll down to the security group section and click create Create New Based On Seller Settings. aws-marketplace-sg

  5. Save the new security group and choose it after creation. aws-marketplace-sg

  6. Pick a key pair you already have or create a new one in the region you are deploying. Click Launch. aws-marketplace-keypair

  7. AWS should now display a congratulations screen confirming that UniLink instance is launched successfully. Click on the EC2 Console link. aws-marketplace-launch

  8. Wait for a few minutes to let the instance come up. aws-marketplace-ec2

  9. Select the instance and copy the public IP. aws-marketplace-public-ip

  10. Visit http://<your-public-ip>:3000. This should bring up the UniLink UI. Congratulations. Woot ! Woot !! aws-marketplace-chatwoot

To configure UniLink, we need to ssh into the instance. We will use AWS console connect for this.

  1. Select the instance and click on Connect. aws-marketplace-connect2

  2. Change the username from root to ubuntu and click Connect. aws-marketplace-connect

  3. Switch to the chatwoot user and configure the necessary environment variables. Refer Environment variables document for the complete list.

sudo -i -u chatwoot
cd chatwoot
vi .env
  1. Also, it is recommended to configure a proxy server like Nginx and set up SSL. Make sure to modify the security group created in step 6 accordingly.

Updating the instance

Please follow the UniLink update process in the standard Linux VM setup.