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UniLink CTL


UniLink CTL(cwctl) is CLI tool to install and manage a self hosted UniLink Linux installation.

cwctl aims to abstract away the common bash interactions with a UniLink installation and provide an easy to use syntax. This is not intended to be a full replacement.

If you are running a UniLink v2.7.0 instance or later, cwctl would have been already installed for you as part of installation.

Check if cwctl is already installed by

cwctl --version

If cwctl is not present, follow the steps below to install UniLink CTL.

If you used an older version of install script(<2.0), you will not have cwctl in your PATH. To install/upgrade UniLink CTL,

wget -O /usr/local/bin/cwctl && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cwctl
cwctl --help

Note: The above command requires root access to install cwctl to /usr/local/bin.


To learn more about the options supported by cwctl,

sudo cwctl --help

Whenever a new version of UniLink is released, use the following steps to upgrade your instance.

sudo cwctl --upgrade

Note: This will upgrade your UniLink instance to the latest stable release. If you are running a custom branch in production do not use this to upgrade.

Setup Nginx with SSL after installation

To set up Nginx with SSL after initial setup(if you answered no to webserver/SSL setup during the first install)

Note: Please add an A record pointing to your UniLink instance IP before proceeding.

sudo cwctl --webserver
sudo cwctl --restart

Running Rails Console

sudo cwctl --console

Viewing Logs

For UniLink web(rails) server logs use,

sudo cwctl --logs web

For UniLink worker(sidekiq) server logs use,

sudo cwctl --logs worker


To check the version of UniLink CTL,

sudo cwctl --version