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Deploy UniLink to Clever Cloud

Clever Cloud is a PaaS platform where you can deploy your applications with ease. To setup UniLink on Clever Cloud, you can follow the steps described below.

Note: This is a community contributed installation setup. This will only have community support for any issues in future.

1. Create CleverCloud application

  • Login to Clever Cloud dashboard
  • Click on create an application
  • Select your deployment type (> 2GB recommended)
  • Provide an app name and select the zone

2. Select addons

UniLink requires PostgreSQL and Redis to function properly. Select Postgres and Redis from CleverCloud addons.

  • Copy connection URI from Postgres Addon and set DATABASE_URL environment variable
  • Make sure you have set REDIS_URL

3. Setup Clever cloud origin

  • Clone UniLink project from Github
git clone
  • Set Clever Cloud origin
git remote add clever git+ssh://git@<id><app-name>.git

4. Setup build hooks

To install the dependencies, you have to setup builds hooks. Set the following in the environment variables of the application.

CC_POST_BUILD_HOOK="RAILS_ENV=production rails assets:precompile"
CC_PRE_BUILD_HOOK="yarn install"
CC_PRE_RUN_HOOK="rake db:chatwoot_prepare"

5. Push the latest changes

Push the latest code from your local machine to Clever Cloud.

git push clever master

Voila! After the deployment, you would be able to access the application.


Make sure you have the following environment variables configured in the application.

CC_POST_BUILD_HOOK="RAILS_ENV=production rails assets:precompile"
CC_PRE_BUILD_HOOK="yarn install"
CC_PRE_RUN_HOOK="rake db:chatwoot_prepare"