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Frequently asked questions

This document is a place to search for frequently asked questions in the UniLink community about the processes, support and best practices.

How to get support?

The chatwoot team provides support over the following channels. Please choose the appropriate medium based on the type of your query and resolution expectations.

Business Enquiries: Questions related to the pricing and commercial partnerships.

Developer Support: Questions related to Self-hosting UniLink, Extending/Contributing to UniLink and leveraging UniLink APIs

Product Support: Bug Reports, Feature Requests and Support related to UniLink Cloud Version.

Channel TypeResponse ExpectationsQuery Types
Chat WigetReal-time responses based on online agent availability.
Email follow-ups in 2 Business Days
Business Enquiries
EmailResponses in 2 Business DaysBusiness Enquiries
GithubResponses in 2 Business DaysDeveloper Support, Product Support
DiscordCommunity Support Based on availability. Contributors support based on availabilityDeveloper Support, Product Support

Notes: The UniLink team tries to resolve queries in public forums. So please avoid DMing, the contributors unless sensitive information is involved.

  • UniLink team doesn't provide one-time installation services at the moment due to limited resources.
  • UniLink team doesn't provide bug fixes and support for older/modified versions of the software. Therefore, please ensure that you have the latest version of software running when reporting bugs.

We encourage the community to build and promote UniLink related services. You can use the following Channels for that.

  1. General (Github Discussions): Use the Channel to advertise UniLink related Hiring Posts and Opportunities.
  2. Show and tell - (GitHub Discussions): Use the Channel to showcase a UniLink related service / Custom Integrations that you have built. Examples include UniLink Hosting services, Services built on top of UniLink etc
  3. Discord Channels : Use appropriate discord Channels like #intro , #general.

Note: spamming channels with repetitive messages, Hijacking threads with unrelated promotional messages isn't allowed and will be handled according to the Code of Conduct.

In Community Edition of UniLink, you can customise the branding by modifying the source code. In Enterprise Edition of UniLink, Custom Branding is available as a premium feature as a part of the paid plans.

Ref: Are there any restrictions in using UniLink?

When using the Enterprise edition of UniLink, you must adhere to the Enterprise License. Additionally, distributing or selling the enterprise edition of UniLink requires a valid UniLink Enterprise subscription with the correct number of user seats.

The Community edition of UniLink comes under an MIT License, which lets you use the software without any restrictions. This also allows you to build and resell derivatives of UniLink Community edition. For the Community edition, the team trusts the users to use the software fairly and encourages the following use cases:

  • Leveraging UniLink as a Customer Support/Data Platform in your organization.
  • Building Custom Conversational interfaces over the UniLink Platform.
  • Leveraging UniLink to add conversational capabilities to your existing software.
  • Enhancing Community Edition software to cater to specific business niches.

UniLink team doesn't encourage the following cases:

  • Leveraging the software for any usage that isn't permitted by applicable law.
  • Use cases that directly compete with UniLink Business offerings.
    examples: clones of UniLink Cloud (SaaS), Rebranding Services, etc

Suppose you run into issues with the agent mailers ( account confirmation, password reset, etc.) and email Channels in UniLink. Then, you can go through the following steps to debug your SMTP configurations.

Step 1: Check your SMTP configuration

Ensure that the intended config matches what is configured in the system. If there are discrepancies, you should double-check your environment variables.

Viewing the SMTP config for the Installation

Run the following command from the Rails Console.


Viewing the SMTP config for an Inbox

Run the following command from the Rails Console.

# replace `inbox_id` with your Inbox Id

Step 2: Validate your SMTP config by sending an Email

If you find the config is as intended, Try sending an email from the Rails Console using your config.

Run the following script from the Rails Console.

# Fill values for appropriate settings
# Remove the keys which aren't relevant to your use case
smtp_settings = {
address: '',
port: '',
user_name: '',
password: '',
domain: '',
tls: '',
enable_starttls_auto: '',
openssl_verify_mode: '',
authentication: '',

mailer =
# check settings:
mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
mailer.smtp_settings = smtp_settings

# replace with your values for the mail
mailer.mail(from: '', to: '', subject: 'test', body: "Hello, you've got mail!").deliver

If the configuration is correct, You should receive the email in the recipient's Inbox. In other cases, Fix the config as per the returned error and reconfigure the values in UniLink Environment variables with the correct values.

Note: If you are still facing errors, Please check your Sidekiq worker logs or Sidekiq UI for any errors.