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Bounce processing

Enable bounce processing in Settings -> Bounces. POP3 bounce scanning and APIs only become available once the setting is enabled.

POP3 bounce mailbox

Configure the bounce mailbox in Settings -> Bounces. Either the "From" e-mail that is set on a campaign (or in settings) should have a POP3 mailbox behind it to receive bounce e-mails, or you should configure a dedicated POP3 mailbox and add that address as the Return-Path (envelope sender) header in Settings -> SMTP -> Custom headers box. For example:

{"Return-Path": ""}

Some mail servers may also return the bounce to the Reply-To address, which can also be added to the header settings.

Webhook API

The bounce webhook API can be used to record bounce events with custom scripting. This could be by reading a mailbox, a database, or mail server logs.

POST/webhooks/bounceRecord a bounce event.
NameData typeRequired/OptionalDescription
subscriber_uuidStringOptionalThe UUID of the subscriber. Either this or email is required.
emailStringOptionalThe e-mail of the subscriber. Either this or subscriber_uuid is required.
campaign_uuidStringOptionalUUID of the campaign for which the bounce happened.
sourceStringRequiredA string indicating the source, eg: api, my_script etc.
typeStringRequiredhard or soft bounce. Currently, this has no effect on how the bounce is treated.
metaStringOptionalAn optional escaped JSON string with arbitrary metadata about the bounce event.
curl -u 'username:password' -X POST localhost:9000/webhooks/bounce \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"email": "", "campaign_uuid": "9f86b50d-5711-41c8-ab03-bc91c43d711b", "source": "api", "type": "hard", "meta": "{\"additional\": \"info\"}}'

External webhooks

listmonk supports receiving bounce webhook events from the following SMTP providers.

EndpointDescriptionMore info (AWS) SESYou can use these Mautic steps as a general guide, but use your listmonk's endpoint instead.
  • When creating the topic select "standard" instead of the preselected "FIFO". You can put a name and leave everything else at default.
  • When creating a subscription choose HTTPS for "Protocol", and leave "Enable raw message delivery" UNCHECKED.
  • On the "SES -> verified identities" page, make sure to check "include original headers".
  • The Mautic screenshot suggests you should turn off email feedback forwarding, but that's completely optional depending on whether you want want email notifications. / Twilio Signed event webhookMore info webhookMore info


If you're using Amazon SES you can use Amazon's test emails to make sure everything's working:

They all count as hard bounces.

Exporting bounces: