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We can use campaign method to sent group of messages.


Steps to sent the campaign:

Whatsapp Instances >> View Instance >> Connect the instance >> Campaigns

Fill the following details

Field NameDescription
Campaigns titleYou can enter your Campaigns title like sales announcement
Campaigns typeIt should be Imediately
Message typeSelect the message type from the dropdown. We have 4 types (Refer messages sidemenu "whatsapp instance >> Messages")
Choose contact groupChoose your created contact group from the dropdown
Text to be sentEnter to message of campaigns

After entered all the details, we should click "sent and submit campaigns" button.


After submit the campaign, you can see the success message like below image


Campaigns history

In the bottom of the page, you can see all the sent history


The campaign status, state, next schedule & ubdated date will show in the history. If you click on your campaign title, it will open the particular campaigns manage history page.
