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Setup Instance

If you follow the steps, you can deploy the Instance


Get your Unirsal Console credentials from our team.

Step 1. Go to the whatsapp Instance page

Step 1

Step 2. Click on Create Instance

Step 2.

Step 3. Enter Instance name & Description

Step 3
Field NameDescription
Instance nameEnter your whatsapp name
Instance DescriptionEnter your whstapp description ex. To sent sales campaigns and messages

Step 4. Click on Submit from popup

Step 4

Step 5. Click on start

You can start the instance after one minute. Then the deployment is done.

Step 5

Instance details

After successfully launch the Instance, you can see the details in the instance view page.

Sync ProfileSync whatsapp which will display and update the profile image, name and phone number
Restart buttonrestart button in case the session fails, or the pod fails
Logout buttonWhen clicking on logout, the whatsapp connection will bw logout
Delete buttonIf we try to delete the instance, the instance will chaged to failed status