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Make a word! have a sentance! let's do the chat!

We have 4 types of message.

  1. Text
  2. Image
  3. Videos
  4. File

1. Text

This message allows only text type like letters, special character & emoji.

Whatsapp Instances >> View Instance >> Messages >> Text type >> Enter number >> Enter text >> Send message


2. Image

We can share our visuals/images through this type.

Whatsapp Instances >> View Instance >> Messages >> Image type >> Enter number >> Image captions >> Upload image >> Send message


3. Video

We can share our visuals/images through this type.

Whatsapp Instances >> View Instance >> Messages >> Video type >> Enter number >> video captions >> Upload video >> Send message


4. File

We can send our files through this type.

Whatsapp Instances >> View Instance >> Messages >> Video type >> Enter number >> video captions >> Upload video >> Send message
